Survey: Pen and Paper

Next month we will start the work on the creation of a library of art pieces for Essera. Through our job poster that ran throughout september, we received over 250 applicants for the positions of concept artist. This we reduced down to 10 artists that we wish to work with and their work will begin in November and will continue for 6-9 months.

We can now turn our attention towards filling out the missing articles for Essera - the information or lore that players and gamemasters alike require to be able to play and participate in a pen and paper setting. But to proberly understand what all of you need, we have created a survey that we would like to ask you to fill out. We will then use these answers as a guideline to better create a setting, that all of you wish to play and participate in. 

Link to survey:

The information you provide during this survey is unidentifiable. Individual answers will only be viewable by select staff members of Unknown Borders.

We have decided that ones the survey has run its course, we will be releasing the information gathered - so as to help others that wish to create their own setting. This will be released to the public without any form of fee. However, please note that it will not contain the individual answers, but instead a statistical view with diagrams of the answers. 


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